
Showing posts from March, 2013

this time of year again

           For the past 7 years of my life, the months of April and May are certainly the roller coasters of the year. I have definetely learned multiple mental and practical lessons. Things like where to stand in front of the judges..or how to be more effective in practice. Speech competitions have driven me up the roof but also happiness for many reasons.            I've been very happy that I was raised in a Christian family where I was raised up really happily. There weren't a lot of fights or family problems that people may assumed in the typical "American family." God has simply blessed me with family, church and friends that cared. But in speech competition, I experienced downfall where I had to ask God to pick up back up because I couldn't settle for defeat. The greater lessons seem to unfold each year and I simply couldn't ask for more. In the good times, my brother won 1st place, my sister 3rd and I was 2nd...In the bad times, I was placed 3rd out


    It's hard to understand what "unity" truly menas until you've actually experienced it yourself! Last night, I really got a chance to see "unity" unravel before my eyes! Sing, Dance, Cheer and Laugh are four simple verbs that are around us every single day, but when you see it done in worship and praise to our Heavenly Father, I understand what people mean when they say the Body of Believers...      I had a great time yesterday not because of those awkward moments during our presentation when we weren't insync but the moments where we all had a common goal..and that was to send our wishes to someone who was in need of encourgement and prayer... "From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does it work..." Ephesians 4:16 Delta Force Together, God's Love Forever ~ch

being "chair"

Each time I close my eyes, I still snapshots and memories of this March Break's Winter Camp @UCC. If anyone told me several years ago that I would be part of a committee that would plan for this event, I would have probably laughed and said this was a complete joke. But here I am, and God truly blessed me with the opportunity to work with Raphy, Steve and Montana to plan a camp filled with memories and laughter!        God's plans are truly amazing and He has certainly blessed me with this opportunity to lead this year. Being a "chair" seemed like the scariest thing, but God made this job look so great! I pray that He will continue to give me courage to step onto other serving role and serve for His will...         Despite having many difficulties and hardships along the way, I truly thank previous chairs and family that have supported me along the way!         Even though I haven't seen any response surveys from the didomites, I have a nudge from the Spirit sa