just love

       It's been the first several weeks of school but summer camp memories still floating in my head. A story of this one friend popped into my head and I though it was good opportunity to write about this very special friend. I hope you can see the message that you see from this girl is as reason why I continue to serve God's little children.
       I remember one day at home, a Thursday, I was prepping for a short devotion (a small bible study) about God and his great love through Jesus. It was a set of bible verses that touched my heart. I decided a bunch of sticky notes and headed to church for another long day working with a group of Grade 3&4s. 
       During the devotion, I was divided with two girls and a very rowdy boy. In the middle of the hallway, I gave each of them a stickie and told them to write down several people whom they have trouble loving. Then I explained to them the importance of loving because God loves us so much despite the greatest mistakes we have in life. I then told them to share why it may be so hard to love the people that they've written down on the note. They were very open with their answers. Some said that their friends are very irritating, others said that it was hard to love someone who doesn't show any respect or love to them.
        One of those girls named Mag shared about her hate for a kid at camp. I sat and listened to her troubles and my heart was really hard because I have felt the same way before. By the clues she spoke, I could tell who it was. Finally, we prayed about it.
       During lunch, I went to eat my lunch, Mag rushed over to me with a teary eye...and then, she just started crying in my arms. Sobbing, she told me how hard it was to love this camper. My heart rejoiced because I was thrilled she remembered my devotion but deep inside, I was moved to tears that she saw me as a friend I could rely on. 
      She asked me a question, "Why is it so hard to love everyone around me?"
      I was speechless and I didn't know how to respond. I just prayed to God that we'll both learn to 'just love' those who are around us. The prayer went like this:
            Lord, please help Mag as she is finding so hard to love those who trouble her. But God, you are all-loving, please give her the power to find the characteristic of LOVE that you have. Thank you so much for the cross. In Jesus' name, Amen. 
       This became my favourite camp moment because it showed that even though I may be a counsellor but my struggles in life are the same as theirs. 


Just Love because God first loved us...


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