
There is a well-known Christian song named ‘Indescribable.’ The song talks about all the wonders of God and how the creation of the world shows how amazing He is. The words to the chorus are:

'Indescribable, Uncontainable,

You place the stars in the sky and You know them by name,

You are amazing God'


As much as I understand from the textbook about how miniscule organisms are or how the complex humans’ mind functions, the idea of His power seems to be so vague and difficult to understand. It was only until my Maritimes road trip last summer that allowed me to see how majestic his creation really is. The sounds of the Bay of Fundy waves and the sun setting beside the Atlantic Ocean really offered me a small peek of this universe.

But despite his awesomeness, I find that over time as I’m growing up, the idea of ‘God’s Grace Is Enough’ becomes less and less true. From seeing people that are my father’s age dying from cancer or families that go through death situations makes me wonder: “Why?” “Why do these things happen to the people who love you God?” As I ponder these questions on a Friday night, the worship team decided to lead the song “Indescribable.”

While everyone was singing, I found answers and signs to questions and thoughts that I thought God had forgotten. It is true, ‘God’s grace is enough for every single person on this planet.’ God gave us so much that we don’t deserve. His grace is simply indescribable, uncontainable, all-powerful and unchangeable. His grace overflows to each and  everyone of us, whether we are in joy or suffering. His blessings shower us from the inside out. His love is never ending, He truly LOVES us.



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