the great escape

Don't you feel like sometimes you want to escape from everything and just bury yourself inside a hole? For me, every single weekend feels like an escape from fear of getting my tests and assignment back. Instead of focusing on calculating my average admission mark or seeing people stress about post-secondary education, Saturdays and Sundays are a time of rest and meditation. Two weeks ago, my weekend escape was heading to a scenic and beautiful place called Blue Mountain just a few hours away from Toronto.

It honestly felt like a dream there.
With sunshine, I got to stroll around the village with some of my old and new friends...but most importantly, enjoy a Starbucks frapp without the rush to go back home to complete my never ending to-do list.
With my guitar, I got a chance to play an 1.5 hour worship music jam with my sister and friends. Worship music never sounded so beautiful in my ears
With a television, I got to watch movies and get all emotional about the power of love.
With many trails, I got to exercise and relax amidst the changing seasons of autumn and the beautiful colours of leaves.
With a true escape, I got to meditate about my blessings this past year.

For two days and two nights, I could not ask for more. But reality strikes us sometimes in our happiest moments...that Monday, it spoke to me saying, 'Your dream is over and just like Cinderella, when the clocks strikes 8am, your schedule, to-do list and workload will ALL appear again.' I dreaded that moment but I've also found that every moment of that trip was treasured so deeply in my heart and nothing will ever replace that Great Escape that took place this 2014 Thanksgiving.


Every blessing You pour out LORD, I'll turn back to praise...When the darkness closes in LORD, still I will say...BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD, BLESSED BE YOUR NAME


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