
Showing posts from June, 2016

my warrior

Despite the fact that the weather has been amazing over the past few days, my heart is hurting over something that I know I can’t control of. Here’s why: Several years ago, a family friend named Aleena was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. Statistically, the chance of survival for her illness were very slim. However, the church and her family prayed endlessly…praying for His touch, God’s miracle. I remember the first time I heard her story, she told us that she was never scared of death because she knew that all her sufferings would end one day when she returns to heaven. After rounds of intense chemotherapy, God gave her strength and positivity like none other. Just like any other mom, she recovered and went to go back to work. She could do what we would consider ‘normal.’ She drove her daughter to swimming practices and high school. A few years ago, she even served with me at a children’s fellowship. I was her assistant and she certainly became someone that I looked up to. Talk