my warrior

Despite the fact that the weather has been amazing over the past few days, my heart is hurting over something that I know I can’t control of. Here’s why: Several years ago, a family friend named Aleena was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. Statistically, the chance of survival for her illness were very slim. However, the church and her family prayed endlessly…praying for His touch, God’s miracle. I remember the first time I heard her story, she told us that she was never scared of death because she knew that all her sufferings would end one day when she returns to heaven. After rounds of intense chemotherapy, God gave her strength and positivity like none other. Just like any other mom, she recovered and went to go back to work. She could do what we would consider ‘normal.’ She drove her daughter to swimming practices and high school. A few years ago, she even served with me at a children’s fellowship. I was her assistant and she certainly became someone that I looked up to. Talking with her, I became awestruck and inspired by her faith in God.
Last year, news struck, and Aleena was diagnosed again with cancer in several areas of her body. However, she remained to radiate such a positive spirit, none can possibly fathom. During one of her good days, we went to her house to BBQ in the rain…with her daughter, we swam in a pool in the rain and lightning. I don’t think that was safe, but you alone live once…right?! During that impromptu get-together, we ate homemade green tea ice cream (which is my favourite), but we also prayed for one another. One by one, we shared our prayer requests, struggles and fears. Two families prayed to God as we each deeply cared about each other’s well-being. That moment was a brilliant revelation of the love and positive energy that remains in a family who is suffering from the pains of this world. To me, they became a true testament to individuals who truly trust that God is in control. They didn’t fear, because they prayed. They didn’t cry, because they saw the light in the darkness. Aleena is my prayer warrior and my inspiration, as she continues to laugh at every little blessing that appears her life. She never whined about her illness. Instead, she kindly cared about my career direction and our family.
Over the past few week, it is absolutely breaking my heart to know that she is once again in a lot of pain and may need to live in a hospice. But somehow, I cry tears of sadness knowing at the same time that she has not given up yet. She is still earnestly searching for God’s strength and living each day to her fullest. Just like the first time I listened to her testimony in Grade 5, my care and awe for her has certainly not diminished. She calls me her favourite “student leader” and that is one compliment that will stay in the back of my mind forever! J


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither heights nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LORD.       ~Romans 8:38-39


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