words into motion

Many people think writing is boring…and to be honest, it is not the most fascinating field of study, but I think we should all come to terms to appreciate the beauty and importance of words.
We should be reminded that the ability to read, write and learn language is something extremely special to us (human beings). What other species on earth has the ability to translate statements and communicate through multiple sets of symbols? And why is that? Well, it’s fundamentally because we are created in the image of God. We were made a God who speaks and knows that in order for human beings to rule over the animals/earth, they had to communicate in words. From what we knew, we could express our feelings, exclaim our creative ideas and transmit stories from generation to the next.
In fact, the concept of words has been a game-changer in this universe. Remember how God spoke the world into motion? He said “Let there be light” and there was light. God didn’t think about light and there was light…it come to be because he spoke. Along with several other words, the splendor of the Great Canyon, the Aurora Borealis and Big Dipper came to be. It was all words, words and words…and it really disappoints me that today, people are replacing these words with pictures/emojis/gifs/snaps. God made humans as more sophisticated creatures right? In English class, teachers always talk about significance and symbolism…and I think we should learn to love language (yes, even English) because that in itself is significant.
Remember the song “The Stand”, well, one of the song lyrics reads “you spoke the earth into motion, my soul now to stand…” That’s been resonating in mind for the past few days…just wanted to share!



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