
Showing posts from May, 2017


Diamonds are one of the best-known, popular and most sought-after gemstones. Girls of all ages are mesmerized by the unbreakable gem and its beautiful enhancement to jewelry/accessories. Diamonds are all certified based on 4 distinct categories, also known as the 4Cs (carat, cut, colour, clarity). The quality of the diamond determines its value. As I prepare to lead a bible study on biblical womanhood, I found that the topic is kind of related to a sense, as Christian women, we should strive to achieve the highest level in all 4Cs. Through Proverbs 31, here are 4Cs that can be found in a biblical woman: 1) Committed- I think from early Western stereotypes, we assume that "the ideal Christian woman" is someone who sits at home drinking tea and chatting with her gal pals. However, God does not underestimate the ability and strength of woman. In verses 13, 18a, 19, 24, we see an textile entrepreneur...a noble woman is someone who is actively contributing to th