
Diamonds are one of the best-known, popular and most sought-after gemstones. Girls of all ages are mesmerized by the unbreakable gem and its beautiful enhancement to jewelry/accessories. Diamonds are all certified based on 4 distinct categories, also known as the 4Cs (carat, cut, colour, clarity). The quality of the diamond determines its value. As I prepare to lead a bible study on biblical womanhood, I found that the topic is kind of related to a sense, as Christian women, we should strive to achieve the highest level in all 4Cs.

Through Proverbs 31, here are 4Cs that can be found in a biblical woman:
1) Committed- I think from early Western stereotypes, we assume that "the ideal Christian woman" is someone who sits at home drinking tea and chatting with her gal pals. However, God does not underestimate the ability and strength of woman. In verses 13, 18a, 19, 24, we see an textile entrepreneur...a noble woman is someone who is actively contributing to the family. There are fully committed to pursue a career, organize a family-business balanced life. This is not saying that God is a modern-day feminism, but He recognizes that a noble woman is capable of being in the real estate and trade industry. God doesn't estimate one's ability to be in the workforce and govern household duties.

2) Compassion- In verse 20, King Lemuel writes, She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. What is the significance of the woman's gesture in verse 20? It is important to note that the noble wife initiated and opened her arms to the poor. She extended her hands to those that are in need. She is not only concerned for her family, she is also able to extend her love to those outside of her household.

3) Charming- In verses 22 and 25, we are given a description of a woman of both outer/inner beauty. She is clothed in fine linen and purple...She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. On the outside, she is clothed in purple, which symbolizes great elegance, dignity and royalty. As the daughter of the Almighty King, she dresses in an appropriate and modest fashion. We see that this well-put-together woman also exudes inner beauty. She dedicates her life above trivial things (like money, reputation, fame and power). And some laughs because she doesn't fear about the things to come...she lives with FULL confidence that her life is in the hands of a trustworthy Father. (little rant: In the past, I used to think that there is a clear distinction between people that are (not) charming/attractive), but as I talk with my girls, I've discovered that a great personality enhances one's physical attractiveness)

4) Centered- In verse 30 (which is my new favourite verse), we see the King describing God-centered woman. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. What a jam-packed verse! Without sugar coating, it clearly reminds us that charm and beauty is temporary and superficial. Your face and physical appearance may be beautiful, but the most important thing is to be a woman who fears the Lord. By fearing the Lord, it is the beginning of the journey of wisdom [Prov 9:10].

After reading Proverbs 31 on a much deeply level, I discovered my imperfections and misconception about a godly the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Notice in the beginning of the epilogue says: "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies" [Prov.31:10], King Lemuel is not describing an real-life person. This is an ideal that we (girls) should continue pursuing. My encouragement to you: keep refining yourself and increasing your precious value....and one day, some man will receive the honour to call you (this beautiful diamond)....his.



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