growing up with acne
Inspired by Chantel’s story on a recent Ladylike video, I decided to record my story about how I overcame what some would say as a young girl’s worst mare. The story starts in grade 7, when puberty hit. Along with my friends, we went through a stage of bad fashion choices (graphic tees and ugly sweaters). Just like everybody else, I also had the persistent acne on the side of my temples and on my forehead. It would happen because I decided to eat two bowls of French fries and a couple bags of chips. However, the real problem began in grade 11, when I started having really persistent acne. Although I tried cutting back on dairy products/seafood/fried foods, acne just kept growing and growing. Here are some of my craziest acne-moments that are engrained into my head: - As a member of the church drama club, we toured around several churches to give presentations. Before one particular church performance, the make-up artist refused ...