
Showing posts from February, 2019

so much more

It’s time for my annual Valentine’s Day post. Somehow, I am inspired every year to write a little something, as an encouraged to those who are learning to find love and love themselves. When I think about February 14 th , I can’t help but think about what this special day meant for me years ago. As a Grade 8, Valentine’s Day meant sending candygrams/roses, gushing about the OTPs at our school and wishing to be someone valentine. Somehow, I thought that “being asked to slow dance” meant you were living in a beautiful, ideal utopia. I can’t help but laugh at my naivety and stupidity because love is so much more than “being asked out.” It is so much more than saying yes and updating your facebook relationship status. Over the course of this past year, I have felt heartbroken so many times…not because I have been in a romantic relationship, but because I have sympathized with my friends who chose to leave their boyfriends. The feeling of loneliness and hollowness somehow transcends thro