
J.O.Y. This is the one word I would use to describe my Teens Conference experience. As a first time attendee and coach, I was finally able to understand what my Christian friends have always been raving about. Within the excitement, energy and expectancy, I encountered God. Amidst the pressure to facilitate and lead, I learned to display humility. Within the mass of people, I was inspired to press on heavenwards towards Christ Jesus. Here are some of the things God revealed to me:

1. The joy of knowing that the kingdom of God is beyond my local church. As a youth counselor, I am often discouraged and overwhelmed with responsibilities. It feels like a lone battle...however, my time at Urbana and TC has allowed me to see that there are SO many young adults and youths who wholeheartedly love Jesus. All of these Christians are pouring their hearts out to perform/facilitate conversations for Him. Despite all the crap that is happening in our world today, I was reminded that the kingdom of God is present and mobilized to do His work. As the captains, coaches and production teams continue to participate in local mission, I pray that more individuals will encounter the grace of God.

2. The joy of seeing people come to Christ. During day 2, the praise team led "Who You Say I Am." As youth were reminded that they had a place in the Father's home, I saw hands lifted high, eyes closed, hands close to their hearts and flooding tears of joy. Just as Paul, Peter and John proclaimed the power of the Gospel, the timeless reality of grace and forgiveness has the SAME impact today. A sinless lamb was slain for the lost and undeserving. A reckless loving God was willing to send His Son in the world. When I quietly asked a girl why she cried, she told me "I am just so thankful for what Jesus did for me on the cross." I got emotional because I was so happy that another person experienced the same happiness that I did when I realize this profound reality. As I saw people walk up during the alter call, the smiles on their face showed me that there were excited to embark on a journey with a never-changing, holy God. 

3. The joy of seeing people find comfort and peace in Christ. Through my university applications, acne story, church politic life stories, I have always found great peace knowing that God is in control. Understanding that I have been fearfully and wonderfully made, I am able to stand as a confident woman. In Teens Conference, I saw my attendees uncovering the same truths. They learned that their worth is not based on what others say. Their sense of self is not dedicated by the number of followers and likes on social media, because they find freedom in being a child of God.

4. The joy of seeing the power of the testimony. It had been a really long time since I have shared my testimony. In both the junior and senior conference, I found that God works in these stories. Through our history, God is reminding the attendees that coaches are not perfect. Testimonies are reminders that God works in miraculous ways to transform lives. It is an encouragement that our Father is expectantly waiting for us to turn from our sin and find Him. Testimonies is one of the easiest to relate to the lives of everyday individuals. I was truly encouraged when attendees recounted my story with Jesus...and how it is inspiring her walk. The revelation has propelled me to think about crafting opportunities to share it more often.

5. The joy of seeing how the gifts of arts can be used to glorify His Kingdom. I'm talking about the musicals, deep analogy, harmonies, dance, drama. I believe God truly touch the hearts of the mentor coaches and production team to create pieces that tie today's culture and God's message together. By bringing up issues such as dating, selfishness, lack of acceptance, influence, self-worth into the forefront of the stage, these individual worked tirelessly to send message of hope and truth. I am sure that images and iconic lines have been implanted into the heads of these attendees. Even for those with a hardened heart, I believe God has used the production team to plant seeds that will spring in God's timing.

If I had to choose one thing in my life that represented the concept of "stepping out of my comfort zone," Teens Conference would be my current answer. It has revealed to me so much about the Church and power of the Gospel.


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