
As I tapped through countless photo and video recaps of TC this morning, I decided to re-read my post-conference reflection from 2019. I found it surprising how God provided me with such fresh and new revelations this year. Though I have been absolutely exhausted this weekend, the Spirit continues to tug at my heart, giving me flashback to important moments last week and reminding me that ministry is not easy, but is worth it because it is life changing.

This year, God reminded me:
  1. ...about the body of Christ and how it is one body made up of many parts. Leading this year was no doubt a smooth process because I had a God-sent team who brought diverse strengths and gifts to the table. While one had deep understanding of the Bible, others came with lots of youth ministry leading experience. While some of us are chatty and extroverts, we also had some great listeners. While some loved discussing about science/facts & faith, others had a more emotional story to share. During the conference itself, we coaches were able to encourage our captains in different ways (words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service). Our testimonies were very different and detailed diverse & personal struggles, yet they all pointed towards the God's grace and His ability to transform our lives. To see the 1 Corth 12 passage unfolding before me was a beautiful image to see.
  2. ...that my faith struggles are not pointless. Throughout my faith journey, I have struggled to understand God's divine plan, my personal identity/worth, the world of suffering and what it means to establish habits that glorify God. During this conference, I was able to share my learnings with the attendees. They had similar questions and struggles that I once had (is gossiping really that bad? is there anything wrong with vaping? what are your thoughts on world wars?). Though I could not provide perfect answers, I was able to confidently answer them with what God has revealed to me when I was on my knees desperately asking for answers.
  3. ...His ability to sustain us. Day 3 was a tough one- I wrote one line in my digital journal and it was, "I don't remember it being so hard." I questioned how I was able to coach at 21 years old back in the day and be completely energized for all four days. I had doubts about my role in the team and whether I was pulling my weight. I saw my captains tired and exhausted, juggling the responsibility to establish relationships with the attendees and trying to execute their interactions to the best of the abilities. In these moments, I saw how God offers good rest and a fresh mental state when we ask for it. Worries were replaced by a desire to do better. Tiredness was replaced a desire to glorify Him and focus on doing our best 'til the very end. My captains demonstrated what it meant to "play the fourth quarter" for God, with the last bit of energy they had.
  4. ...His providence with the right words to say. One of my closest friends shared the other day that as coaches, some of us sign up for this experience in hopes to have that special altar call conversation, to be able to guide youth as they come to Jesus for the first time or wrestle with faith. This year, there was a sliver of disappointment that I didn't get to have "that" conversation. Yet during this millisecond of sadness, I was reminded of the meaningful conversations I did to have. On day 1, I got to encourage a girl who was undergoing the painful cycle of grief. Through that expected washroom encounter, I was able to speak of the surpassing peace that is granted through the Father. To the tearful captain beside her, my co-coaches got to remind her of the role of the church to be a listening ear and comforting soul to the mourning. On day 2, I got to encourage my church youths to press on as they continue God's ministry and be the vessels/bearers of love. I reminded my mentees that it is vital to listen to the Spirit's prompting as He guides you to share particular testimonies and moments in your faith journey. On day 4, I got to bring encouragement to youth leaders who questioned their performance, experienced imposter's syndrome and overheard unsolicited comments. In all these moments, God fill me with words of care and grace. My words and prayers flowed seamlessly out of my tongue in a way that I have not experienced in a long time. One of the young leaders asked if I was a counsellor and I couldn't help chuckling saying no...This week though, I definitely felt like I was guided by One.

During the final session, coaches were told to stand at the back in case attendees needed prayer. As I watched a generation of worship leaders, small group leaders and young Christians proclaim praise and declare God's power, I am reminded that in this dark world, there are beautiful fairy lights. In a desert of sand, there are pockets of salt. God is still touching hearts today and raising a new generation of leaders and professionals who will share His Gospel and love.



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