
Showing posts from April, 2013


           Over the past 48 hours, a piece of news struck me to get onto the computer and write this blog. I struggled grouping my thoughts about this blog because in my blog, I often write myself and my feeling about things going on in my life...but this time, it's more of my reflection on choices that other people made in their life.           In my life, I've made countless decisions, small decisions like 'I am going to wear a hoodie to school today' or 'I'm ready to get baptized '  These decisions were made after some thoughts.  *sigh* God didn't create relationships to be like this.....ahhhh! To all those reading my blog, seek God to make the decisions in your life, because only He (through the bible) can give you the correct answer to how to life that is Christ-centered.            This mypersonal blog is the one and only place where I can express my opinions about this, I'm very happy that I finally got my chance to express these thoughts o

searching for love

        Over the past month, I've been learning about what it means to start a 'Christ-centred relationship' and all that dating stuff at church. I was struck by the boundaries that Christians must follow but I also understand all these things are meant for my good...but back at school, I would always wonder in the crowd of people during lunch, who would I date?           Just like any teen girl, every now and then, I feel "desperate," and I want to be in a relationship and have a boy that gives me flowers on Valentines Day. I wonder if it's my looks, or my mature personality that scares boys away. All these uncertainties and thoughts creep into my head...and eventually, I ask God, why?  why? why?           Recently, I watched Nick Vujicic's 60 Minute Interview that featured his wife. I was inspired by how his disability didn't keep himself away from meeting a girl he loved. I became aware that God really does have his plans, whether it is to stay s


       It's April 15, and it's a little late to write a reflection on March...but here it is! March 2013 became the month that has changed my life forever, for the good of course! I have experienced something called love like I have never seen before...Through three events, Winter Camp, Baptism and Easter...         First, Winter Camp. It was my first time serving so many teenagers and I never thought I would ever do it. But as the pastor at my church said this past Sunday, "We live by faith and not by sight." I have never been so dedicated to serving God before. From start to finish, I felt that God was carrying me through. He often reminded me that this camp is not about "me" but Him. I can truly say that I can now continue to challenge myself with other serving opportunities. I am willing to let go and let God lead me to where HE wants me to be.        Secondly, Baptism. An event that made me feel like I was accepting an Oscar, or Grammy, or Tony awar