searching for love

        Over the past month, I've been learning about what it means to start a 'Christ-centred relationship' and all that dating stuff at church. I was struck by the boundaries that Christians must follow but I also understand all these things are meant for my good...but back at school, I would always wonder in the crowd of people during lunch, who would I date? 
         Just like any teen girl, every now and then, I feel "desperate," and I want to be in a relationship and have a boy that gives me flowers on Valentines Day. I wonder if it's my looks, or my mature personality that scares boys away. All these uncertainties and thoughts creep into my head...and eventually, I ask God, why?  why? why? 
         Recently, I watched Nick Vujicic's 60 Minute Interview that featured his wife. I was inspired by how his disability didn't keep himself away from meeting a girl he loved. I became aware that God really does have his plans, whether it is to stay single forever :s or to have a boyfriend in years from now! I must be patient, just like Nick V.. I need to have faith in Him, that He will find me The One...
Right now, I must serve Him with all my heart, soul and strength...and remember that He has his plans for me... <3

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.           Romans 8:28


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