the friendship that is my foundation

I have always been trying to describe how much my friends at church really impact my life. During a leadership retreat at @bluemountain, I've finally figured it out. The word is foundation. My church friends are my foundation, my second family, I will never question their friendship. I know that during my times of trouble, they are the ones I can talk to. 
    With other friendships, I've watched the high&lows but I know that no matter what happens, my sisters-in-Christ will always support me.
    I guess one of the fears I personally have when I started to think about my future was the fact that in 2 years, we are all going to spread into many different places to pursue our post-sec. education. It isn't going to be like 'half of our grade @church is going to the same school.' With all of that, I am trying to live in the present and make most of the 'grade days' and 'moments' before it's all gone.
   Thanks J.L, S.H., O.C., H.C., R.T., M.K., C.L, you girls are amazing! I've have many great times with you all and I still have those memories engraved in my head. Thank you for making me feel belonged in this church.
     From talking for 3 hours @western to leading worship for the first time... these memories are always happy, never sad     :)

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." ~John 1:12


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