time machine

       A little more than 365 days ago, I was baptized...and publicly proclaimed that I was a Christian. The next 12 months from there was a whirlwind...grade 11, church, piano and guitar. Nothing ever seem to stop, and even if it did, silence never lasted for a very long time. But as a watched people stepping into the baptismal tank again, I suddenly drew myself out from the applause just to find myself thinking about the transformation God has created in my life.
       I've learnt so many different things:
1) I've gotten a lot more patient.
2) I am a better leader.
3) I learn to take stand up after defeat
4) I've reached out to the poor
5) Appearance isn't everything...there are things far greater than that.

Transformation, with a capital "T" has only happen because I am no longer my stubborn and cocky person but someone that yearns for change and humbleness.


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