why i dont...

     As a outspoken Christian, I often find myself in situations where I am explaining and learning about why I don't do certain things....ordinary Canadians or human beings would do. One in particular is why I do not celebrate Halloween.
     Like most celebrations, over the years, this day has become a commercial success. People cannot resist but buy costumes, decorations, goodies and candies to keep up with the festive traditions. This year, as a first year in university, nobody really dressed up...but you could certainly tell that there were quite a few parties going on around campus. After reading some blog posts and looking at some information this year, my views about this day began to change. In other words, my heart began to soften because I didn't really see this celebration as something that was...necessarily wrong...Even though it is not Christian-oriented, I should get into the festivities just like how I celebrate St. Patrick's, Valentine's Day and even Black Friday.
     This all took its turn after my fellowship discussion on Friday, as mentors and older BASICs began to share with me why celebrating Halloween is not something that Christians should do as we submerse our lives into this dark dark world. The main reason is because this celebration originated from the worship of Satanism. Hence, why would we do anything associated with the enemy of God? This is simply paradoxical to pronounce that we are Christ-followers (hence the name Christian), but participate in something that involves witchcraft and the worship of the dead.
       Mica, the group that still practices witchcraft today, acknowledge this day as their religious festivals. Just because it is a commercial holiday in parts of Canada doesn't mean that dressing up is considered okay. As Christians, we are called to use our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. To be holy means to be set apart. To be set apart for the Lord, means that we do not participate in things that will cause people to associate ourselves with the things of the devil.
      At the end of the day, Christians who celebrate Halloween may see this as a way to have fun, dress up, look cute, spend money and eat...but ultimately, our actions of celebrating may often cause us to mistaken, even though our intentions were different in the first place. Just because we are 'tagging' trick-or-treat to glorifying God, is that just an excuse for us to gain materialistic rewards? or enjoy the hype of the community?
      Even though I do not have children yet, I strongly agree that I want to teach my kids as soon as they understand that we need to set apart our lives (time/finances/energy) for a greater purpose.


Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. 
-Romans 12:1


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