
Showing posts from 2017

warm embrace

      As a child, I remember birthdays being incredibly important. Aside from the gifts, special treatment and cake, it was marked by a new number. As children on the playground during recess, we would have pointless competitions, comparing the ages between all of our friends. If I remember correctly, being older was always seen as "better." However, as people grow up, I've noticed that when individuals reach a certain milestone, they no longer celebrate their birthday or their age...because it's a "taboo." At that point, being younger is always seen as "better."         As I study developmental psychology, I read about all different changes that happen in the body. Most of these changes are rapid decline or gradual loss in everyday functions. When I contemplate about the changes that will happen to my grandmothers, aunts and parents...a shiver goes down my back because I am filled with fear and worry. When my cousins/siblings be able to help when


       As the summer draws to an end and my church internship ends, the world celebrates a very special day. August 21st is the day of the great American solar eclipse. As the moon aligns with the sun, it creates totality, 2-minutes of complete darkness. During totality, spectators can only see the corona (the outer layer of the sun). Millions travel to the States to catch a glimpse of this natural phenomenon, which only occurs in certain countries every 20ish years. For an entire day, people stop their busy lives and become fixated on this special setting. Reporters stop talking about celebrity stories and political drama...instead, they encourage people to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime experience. The amount of coverage has been pretty incredible, NASA is more popular than Entertainment Weekly.         Ironically, this event aligns with my church's Vacation Bible Camp theme-- Galactic Starveyors. The motto for the camp was: Searching the visible, discovering the invisib


Diamonds are one of the best-known, popular and most sought-after gemstones. Girls of all ages are mesmerized by the unbreakable gem and its beautiful enhancement to jewelry/accessories. Diamonds are all certified based on 4 distinct categories, also known as the 4Cs (carat, cut, colour, clarity). The quality of the diamond determines its value. As I prepare to lead a bible study on biblical womanhood, I found that the topic is kind of related to a sense, as Christian women, we should strive to achieve the highest level in all 4Cs. Through Proverbs 31, here are 4Cs that can be found in a biblical woman: 1) Committed- I think from early Western stereotypes, we assume that "the ideal Christian woman" is someone who sits at home drinking tea and chatting with her gal pals. However, God does not underestimate the ability and strength of woman. In verses 13, 18a, 19, 24, we see an textile entrepreneur...a noble woman is someone who is actively contributing to th

love yourself first 2017 post! I think a tradition I've kept over the past few years of blogging is writing a Valentine's Day post...or at least my thoughts on love during the month of February. This year, I feel inspired to write a post about loving yourself. Over the past several months, I have read multiple facebook posts and engaged in many conversations in regards to individuals/family members struggling with mental health issues. Issues like bulimia, anxiety, depression and high levels of stress have seem to become common plagues in people's lives. I felt compelled to write this blogpost because in today's society, it is really important to learn to love yourself. Remember, no matter how elaborate your life plan is, you can do nothing without a healthy mindset/body. Imagine not being able to sleep through the night or crying uncontrollably for hours in the school that point,  what could you do? Could you still get "good enough" grades to e