love yourself first 2017 post! I think a tradition I've kept over the past few years of blogging is writing a Valentine's Day post...or at least my thoughts on love during the month of February. This year, I feel inspired to write a post about loving yourself.
Over the past several months, I have read multiple facebook posts and engaged in many conversations in regards to individuals/family members struggling with mental health issues. Issues like bulimia, anxiety, depression and high levels of stress have seem to become common plagues in people's lives. I felt compelled to write this blogpost because in today's society, it is really important to learn to love yourself. Remember, no matter how elaborate your life plan is, you can do nothing without a healthy mindset/body. Imagine not being able to sleep through the night or crying uncontrollably for hours in the school that point,  what could you do? Could you still get "good enough" grades to enter into grad school. The effect of an unhealthy mental well-being is a ripple effect that inevitably affect every part of one's life.

What does it mean to love yourself?
1) Set reasonable goals. I feel a bit hypocritical for saying this, but hey, I'm working on it too! I am not saying that people should not aim higher. In fact, I believe it is extremely to be ambitious and to set your eyes viciously on the prize...but it's also important to know when to let go. Reaching an ambitious goal means that you have reached to the point where you are able to boldly proclaim that you have done your best (doing every single thing you could have possibility done) to reach that goal. This doesn't mean you will be satisfied, but you must learn to say "it's okay, I am satisfied.",,,because at the end of the day, not everything is in your control

2) Learn how to breathe. God made human beings in a complex and incredible way. In fact, the more I study about it in university, the more I am in awe of the greatness of our God. To love yourself means to be empty your mind and focus on the minute subconscious details in the human body- breathing. Whether it is before a test/lecture/essay/assignment, make it a habit for you to take time to focus on your breathing.

3) Grant yourself freedom. This means you should schedule free time for yourself, whether it is working out, watching Buzzfeed or reading a magazine. Give your mind some space to do nothing. For me, my 'free' moments are scheduled, when I take a 1-hr commute to my university. There...I listen to music and dream. Allow yourself to be return to that simple-minded 10-year old and contemplate about randomness. Humans are not made to be machines, so don't work like one or compare yourself to one.

4) Express yourself. From work and school, we are constantly stimulated with information and are expected to calculate/write/conclude specific statement. I would like to challenge all my readers to schedule time to communicate beyond those 'expected' responses. Whether it is through art, words, conversations, scribbles or music, share yourself in some way. It doesn't have to publicized (like a blog), but do something so that you can vent out the good+bad times in life.

5) Learn to admit your mistakes. Especially in the Asian society, I think I have been socialized into  only talking about the good stuff and hiding away all my crap/weaknesses. I still remember trying to hide that failing math quiz from my parents and tutor. But to truly set yourself free from emotional/mental baggage, it involves admitting that you are not perfect...but always a work in progress.

6) Acknowledge that you are loved. Loving yourself means to count your blessings and see that although you don't feel it 28/7, there are people out there that care about you. And yes, the concept of tough love DOES exist. And if you truly feel alone and unloved, remember that there is someOne who exemplifies great love, watches over our every move, wants to be our friend, and is there to life  through life's hard tides.

it's always gonna be an uphill battle


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