to love (again): our beloved summer kdrama review

When lovers are bounded by fate and meet again, are they going to grasp onto this opportunity and choose to love again? Or are some relationships meant to be for specific seasons of our lives? Choi Woo-shik and Kim Da-mi's drama "Our Beloved Summer" explores second chances through the characters of Choi-Woong and Kook Yeon-Soo. Known as the worse and best student back in their school days, the protagonists had filmed a documentary that lead to the beginning of a five year romantic relationship. As they reunite for a marketing project and documentary sequel, the talented still life illustrator and marketing expert are driven to revisit their past. Ultimately, the encounters lead them to re-realize how much they still deeply love each other.

Though coming-of-age dramas are common, "Our Beloved Summer" taps into how life struggles and character flaws often hinder us from being the best version of ourselves to the people around us. Perhaps in the loneliness of life, we humans are meant to find someone to journey with and depend on...

Here is how this drama won my heart:

(1) Beautiful Setting and Art: Aside from the beautiful storyline, the location choices were alsomagnificent. From the authentic small neighbourhood streets, Woong's family restaurant to ordinary school campus, the familiar settings made Woong and Yeon-Soo feel less like fictional characters. We also got to see many unique the getaway cottage, Choi Woong's home and the exhibition halls. As we learn about Choi Woong's love for buildings, I believe viewers are unconsciously drawn to admiring the designs of these unique places. Go-oh's still-life work (by Thibaud Herem) is also such a special part of this drama. The intricate details behind each piece helps us understand our protagonist. Through these intricate pen drawings, we see Woong's innate talent and dedication to his craft.  

(2) Internal Monologue: In comparison to other Korean dramas I have watched in the past, Our Beloved Summer episodes start and end with internal monologues. Viewers are given special access to both Woong and Yeon-Soon's minds as they recollect memories and gain new insights. These honest thoughts allow us to know the characters on a much deeper level and it takes us on the roller coaster journey as we laugh at their naivety, recognize their flaws and watch them fall in love. As we hear their thoughts, I believe many of us may sympathize with their thoughts, questions and feelings. Just like Yeon-soo, our pride can often hinder us from being honest in front of the people we love. Just like Choi Woong, some of us live with the habit of run away and avoiding obstacles and confrontations in our life. Perhaps, these revelations about Choi Woong and Yeon-soo may uncover our weakness and prompt us to vocalize our pain.

(3) The theme of loneliness: Perhaps it is during this long pandemic that many viewers may also be experiencing feelings of loneliness like the protagonists. Perhaps individuals have been struggling with carrying the burden of "not being good enough" or family responsibilities. Through the character of Yeon-Soo and Choi Woong, the writers remind us to look around and acknowledge the few who have supported you this entire time. Through the characters of Yeon-Soo and Ji-ung, we see the beauty of telling others about the things on our heart. Instead of isolating ourselves and building up walls, we should be okay with being weak and depending on others.

(4) The Love Story: The undeniable chemistry of Choi Woo-shik and Kim Da-mi completely elevated this drama. Viewers heard pins drop when they reunited in the elevator, felt the warmth of every hug and experienced butterflies in their stomachs when they kissed. Choi Woong's character was perfectly written; he embodied the boyfriend figure that many hope to find. He cherished Yeon-Soo for who she is. He chose to comfort Yeon-Soo even when his own world was crumbling down. He encouraged her to live her life while he pursued his dreams elsewhere. After the finale, we now know that he had loved her since the beginning. My favourite scene will always be the art gallery scene because the scene embodied Ung's perfect dream a world with his drawings and Yeon-Soo. In that moment, he acknowledged Yeon-Soo as his muse. She was not only the person who motivated him to pursue his career, but she has always been inspiring his art and subconsciously motivated him during those long, lonely, sleepless nights.

Honourable mention goes to the fantastic OST and minor characters who brought some comic relief as we anxiously waited for the lovers to get back together. The use of the seasons was also a great motif through ran through this drama (spring/rain → fresh beginning, summer → warmth of being together, fall → moments of change, winter → waiting for her lover's return). 

Although this drama was embedded with lots of meaningful quotes and lessons, my favourite one was from Yeon-Soo's grandma who encouraged Yeon-Soo to be bold and follow your heart. I encourage my readers to take that to heart.



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