
Showing posts from July, 2013


Time is an important factor to a lot of people's lives. People are on schedules everyday whether they are working as doctors or lawyers, teachers or factory workers. For young adults, they go to classes with timetables. Many people in this world are always asking why God simply created 24 hours, a bunch of time zones and 365 days in a year. During a chat on Friday with a group of friends, they reminded me that there is a time for every little thing [up and downs], but ultimately, we are in charge of how we spend it.  If you've read my last post, 'shocked,  sad,  tragic', I quoted that 'Life is precious...' , so I question everyone who reads my blog, are we making the most out of every single second, minute, hour?  Recently, Cory Monteith and Talia Joy, two great celebrities that I love passed away. I thought to myself what my legacy would be if God brought me back to heaven tomorrow.  So, on a final note, I just wanted to share a passage of Scripture fro

shocked, sad, tragic

#glee#prayforlea#shocked#tragic#sad    My favourite Glee star Cory just passed away......all over Youtube are comments that are so meaningful, one that struck me read...         Glee lost an idol         A lover lost her heart         Music lost a voice         Heaven welcomed an angel i just hope that everyone out there can be reminded that life is precious...and we must remember to thank the Lord each day for those around you... The last song that Rachel Berry sang on Glee was a Celine Dion song called To Love You More . This song means a little more to everyone today because a wonderful actor left for heaven yesterday. i just want to share some of the [amazing] lyrics to you "I'll be waiting for you  Here inside my heart  I'm the one who wants to love you more  You will see I can give you  Everything you need  Let me be the one to love you more"  God Bless, ch

friendship that 3choes

Echo...a sound that is repeated or reverberated after the original sound has stopped... Earlier, I had a blog that is dedicated to my chinese school girls that is called 'friendship that lasts 4ever." For my true childhood friends, out friendship would be labelled as friendship that echoes because no matter what happens, and how far we are, we still can stand as [ironically] close friends.While hanging out with my friend today, I realized that we've grown up but we've never grown OUT of our friendship. No matter what happens, we can still find stuff to talk about...problems we have in common...and memories from the past.... That defines true's kinda like an echo, which never come to an end...even though we met years ago, we are still so close!!  <3 to S.R. and C.C. ~ch  p.s., to my sis-in-Christ, don't feel left out, i'm thinking about a blog post dedicated to u!!!!! :p


Your destiny is a mystery No matter how much you plan Or how long it spans Life is not perfect  Even if it's scientific There are always going to be troubles Some tosses and tumbles Anything can happen And you can't stop it with actions Your future is like a roller coaster A roller coaster with highs and lows Fast and slows We shall not be afraid  To walk through each day -stephanie, cynthia ho


@joint mission conference #worship#hillsong#brockuniversity "And I'll stand with arms high and hearts abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all..."                                                                                                        [The Stand, Hillsong]            Every time I worship God, I don't always feel his presence but the worship tonight, I was sure that I felt God here at  Brock University 's Joint Mission Conference. As I was singing with the rest of the English Congregation this song 'above', people in front and behind me raised their hands showing that they are submitting to God. I couldn't help but join them in worship the Lord Almighty. At that moment, I was sure that God was present, it was beautiful. The drums weren't the best, the singing wasn't the best, but the presence of God was truly, truly beautiful.              As a person that is always scared about how I look in front of others. I sa