friendship that 3choes

Echo...a sound that is repeated or reverberated after the original sound has stopped...

Earlier, I had a blog that is dedicated to my chinese school girls that is called 'friendship that lasts 4ever." For my true childhood friends, out friendship would be labelled as friendship that echoes because no matter what happens, and how far we are, we still can stand as [ironically] close friends.While hanging out with my friend today, I realized that we've grown up but we've never grown OUT of our friendship. No matter what happens, we can still find stuff to talk about...problems we have in common...and memories from the past....

That defines true's kinda like an echo, which never come to an end...even though we met years ago, we are still so close!! 

<3 to S.R. and C.C.


p.s., to my sis-in-Christ, don't feel left out, i'm thinking about a blog post dedicated to u!!!!! :p


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