
Showing posts from August, 2013

more than just a vacation

The Beautiful Atlantic Ocean zillions of mosquitoes bites 15 tourist attractions 10 people 9 days 8 nights 5 provinces 4 hotels 3 states  2 drivers  1 car and that was my summer trip with my family...          This trip meant sitting on a big passenger van for hours but I had a marvelous time with my family and challenging myself. I got to experience and see God's creation while touring around parks and beaches. A lot of the time, I am too busy taking pictures and figuring out what's next in the schedule  I challenged myself for this trip to treasure the moments I spend with my family. Not a lot of people get the opportunity to getaway with those around them. I also told myself to relax and experience nature, without the wifi or a computer. I got to breathe fresh air from Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.           The main goals while having a vacation in the 'The Maritime Provinces' are to eat seafood and chill by the wate

being 'material girl'

    While leading summer camp last week at camp, my campers and I played 'Just Dance 3' on the Wii. It was amazing to dance and sing along to some popular tunes. I was singin' 'Price Tag' by Jessie J. and the lyrics seem to stick to me that entire was the first line of the song, for those who don't remember. Seems like everybody's got a price. And that is exactly how I feel all the time when I hang around people that make brand name seem like EVERYTHING!      Shopping with them is super uncomfortable sometimes because I feel like their priorities are really, really, really materialistic! Here are MY thoughts: We are created unique and aren't judged by the clothes we choose to wear. The price that is on your clothing will be lost one day when God takes you back to heaven. Then, everything from Prada to Coach to Burberry will be G-O-N-E.       So many people believe that we can spend money on upgrading ourselves through our clothes and accessor

do you cook or bake?

      Throughout this week, I have been really reflecting about my school year and to be truthful, I've definitely learnt a lot about myself. I learned that I am not 'that' smart. After trying multiple times to make cookies myself, I have always screwed up. After my fifth time, I called it quits because I am starting to think that God doesn't like it when I  bake.        On the other hand, my cooking has been improving, I've learnt so many dishes and soups...        After some reflection, I've realized that sometimes I can't be good at everything. If I can't bake, I should try to cook and specialize my strengths. Why do I have to force myself to continue making cookies, desserts and brownies...        I challenge those who read my blog to find your strengths and weaknesses. You can't be good at everything but take your strengths and use that to make an important impact on Planet Earth. You are put in your place for reason. Find It. Perfect It. U


charismatic-  /ˌkarizˈmatik/  having an extraodinairy power and appeal of personality if you have this tiny dose of vanilla extract in you, remember to thank God for it! ~ch