more than just a vacation

The Beautiful Atlantic Ocean
zillions of mosquitoes bites
15 tourist attractions
10 people
9 days
8 nights
5 provinces
4 hotels
3 states 
2 drivers 
1 car
and that was my summer trip with my family...

         This trip meant sitting on a big passenger van for hours but I had a marvelous time with my family and challenging myself. I got to experience and see God's creation while touring around parks and beaches. A lot of the time, I am too busy taking pictures and figuring out what's next in the schedule  I challenged myself for this trip to treasure the moments I spend with my family. Not a lot of people get the opportunity to getaway with those around them. I also told myself to relax and experience nature, without the wifi or a computer. I got to breathe fresh air from Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. 
         The main goals while having a vacation in the 'The Maritime Provinces' are to eat seafood and chill by the water. I got a chance to listen to the Atlantic ocean and the crashing waves during the high tide in the Bay of Fundy. Sometimes the waves were calm and silent but other times they were towering over the rocks. Everyone is often so caught up with the radio music and their instruments but have we listened to the 'natural' sounds that were present well before before CDs and electronic devices!
Here are my other interesting discoveries

  • Using the waves at the Bay of Fundy, he carved out beautiful rocks, some were smooth, others were rough. 
  • The stones surrounding the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove toppled under one another to create a range of different elevation and textures
  • The varieties of sea creatures are created with their own unique characteristics 
  • Sand is a beautiful creation from God that fits perfectly with the ocean water

Sometimes the little things on a family trip make up that great memories that will hopefully last forever. 
Vacations are an extra blessing from God, it's a bonus, remember to thank God for it!


God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31
         ...and I, Cynthia, second that because it was more than just good, it was fabulous, awesome, amazing, fantastic and indescribable. 


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