
Showing posts from December, 2013

if i die young

          After the death of a distant friend, I come to realize how fast God can take your life away from you. It has been many weeks since and I still haven't found any sort of closure. It's been busy with drama, homework, and such...but it wasn't until a television series episode that played on Friday where I learn that life is precious.           My sister showed me a song by a country band named the Band Perry, they had a song named ' If I Die Young .' It is a beautiful ballad that speaks the words of the people that have died way too young... If I die young,             bury me in satin,                       Lay me down in a bed of roses,                                                      Take me to the river at Dawn,                                        Send me away with the words of a love song...          As the character in the drama was counting down her days on earth because of her serious illness, no one could control the fact that she was

love is in the air

        After a brief chapter about evolution in biology, my dad questioned me about how love can evolve from nothing or some chemical reaction. What is the formula? Does this all happen by chance? I believe that love is a miraculous energy that God created that can be expressed through millions of different ways. Through family, friendship and most importantly relationship , we can experience a type of warmth. It is true, down-to-earth and simple.         It’s been four days into Christmas break. Christmas is a time where I remember Jesus coming down to earth. But other than celebrating a birth, it is a great reminder of God’s love. He has granted me with food, clothing, shelter and friends. If it weren’t for a Christmas sharing on Friday by a great friend, I wouldn’t have remembered about being thankful for my family. I have a family that cares, love and showered me with things that I need but also things that I want. This perfect environment is the reason why I am always smiling

3,2,1, lights on

~ In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.  Proverbs 16:9 ~          And this was the bible verse that my drama production was about. I spend months and months rehearsing, perfecting my lines and understanding my character. This weekend, it wrapped up with two whopping and crazy performances. The cast relied on improvisation and God's power to produce a two-night back-to-back show.           The story about a man named Mr. Goh whose wants to fixed his troubled past so that he can establish good friendships, relationships and status in society. As he uses a myrecovery CD to go back in time, he finds out that everything isn't in his control. No matter how much he wants to change the past, there will always be something wrong. After three attempts, he becomes a fame-less reporter. With a broken friendship, and a bad job, he must understand that God is the controller of our lives.           Since September, I have always been practicing o