3,2,1, lights on

~ In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. 
Proverbs 16:9 ~

         And this was the bible verse that my drama production was about. I spend months and months rehearsing, perfecting my lines and understanding my character. This weekend, it wrapped up with two whopping and crazy performances. The cast relied on improvisation and God's power to produce a two-night back-to-back show. 
         The story about a man named Mr. Goh whose wants to fixed his troubled past so that he can establish good friendships, relationships and status in society. As he uses a myrecovery CD to go back in time, he finds out that everything isn't in his control. No matter how much he wants to change the past, there will always be something wrong. After three attempts, he becomes a fame-less reporter. With a broken friendship, and a bad job, he must understand that God is the controller of our lives. 
         Since September, I have always been practicing on Mondays and in front of the mirror. I was waiting for the show because I wanted to see God at work. During the first night of performance, I was so scared about messing my lines but when I got up there, I gave it my all. I was surprised to see the cast adding little bits and pieces to make the drama better. It was amazing seeing the audience respond to our jokes. As I approached my last scene, I heard the backstage producer say 'The cast is ready, and 3,2,1, lights!'
         At that moment, I felt so honoured to be part of such a big production. I was IN character and that radiant light that shone on me was bright but powerful. I was given a personal opportunity to show what God has gifted me with. It's wasn't some Broadway show but it is a new way to express myself. The praise I received that night was beyond, but at the end of the day, I give all that back to God. 
        During the end of the second show, I got a little emotional because Saturday marked the finale of my months' work... I really hope that the people can understand that we don't drive the car of life, God does.



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