
      We are broken people. It's the truth..we are flawed. During the March Break, I got a chance to talk in a long conversation with 13 other individuals. We simply broke down all the barriers and talked about our growth, struggles and weaknesses...
      Some of them talked about the broken relationships that had with their parents, while others confessed that weren't sure if they were Christian or not...I don't remember much but I remember going through so many different emotions during this 3-hour talk:

     Coming in without expectation, I remember being very sad because I couldn't tell that the people were struggling despite the fact I see them every week... I remember being so scared because some of them could have just walk away from church and never come back...But most importantly, I couldn't see the faith and strength they had in God that I saw back in Grade 8. After that conversation, I talked to my closest friends in the pitch dark meeting place, with questions flooding through my head, I asked why? Why is Satan always there to play tug-of-war with a broken individual? Again and again, he picks on our flaws and uses it to his advantage? Why, why, why? 

      But at times, I was surprised because I saw has been 52 weeks since the last time we spoke in that ping-pong table room and some of us have surprisingly turned into Christians that completely trust and love God. I believe that it is through our struggles that we find God and it is amazing to see people search for something over just popularity, gaming and sports.

But the feeling that struck me was the kind of love that I felt. Everyone cared for one another, we were trying to find similarities between our flaws and talk about ways to mend everyone's wounds. This reminded me that I wasn't alone and that these guys will always be there... supporting me.

It reminds me of a classic movie from 10 years ago...High School Musical. At the end of the movie, the cast sang,
"We're all in this together, 
Once we know
That we are 
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true" 

It was an old movie that promoted unity. My hope for my grade is that one day, we will find faith in God and seek to live an abundant life...together
May we be a family of believers that laugh, share, and love



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