
This summer has been an exciting roller coaster, one filled with laughter, love, adventure and growth. Volunteering at numerous summer camps have given me an opportunity to learn how to deal with individuals with various characteristics and backgrounds. But most certainly, I was granted with a lifetime privilege to work alongside my brother and sister for four whole weeks. As the summer dies down and the autumn winds begin to blow, signs of school and stress begin to linger around in malls and amongst my conversations with friends.
The countdown begins and as the CNE closes its door, I seem to be enjoying my time in silence, contemplation and quiet conversations. When Oprah interviewed Nelson Mandela, he said that 27 years in prison gave him the opportunity to think. That really spoke to me because this week felt like my personal time of 'reflection'. Instead of running around the church taking care of kids, I got to think about my commitment on leadership teams, see what God has revealed to me over the summer and corporately evaluation my high school fellowship. The past days have given me an incredible sense of peace...before the storm and pressures that come with going into a new chapter of my life.
Without stopping or reflecting, human being have become blind sided over the fact that we need rest. When God created this universe, He took the seventh day to rest. Giving ourselves a break gives us a new sense of clarity and purpose as we begin to strive for new goals/dreams. For me, personally, rest has allowed me to step back to see God's providence for the past several months. As He has provided me opportunities to bear fruit, this was my opportunity to evaluate what I have bore.

May you get a chance to stop, drop and reflect in quietness about your amazing summer!


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