
As individuals who are fundamentally sinful and imperfect, I have come to realize that conflicts and arguments that occur within teams/co-workers aren't always preventable. In fact, in a typical family, conflict always occurs. I mean, who has ever seen a family where two brothers don't yell or boss each other around? In today's society, where we are often incredibly foolish and self-centered, fights have become a form of communication. The same goes for a leadership team or group. I strongly believe that it is through these tough conversations that we learn more about our own flaws and the importance of listening. Coming from experience, serving in many teams before, I have been confronted through long (and maybe loud) conversations that YOUR way may not always be the fastest, easiest and best route. And remember, at the end of the day, no matter how heated the argument may have been, you guys are still a family, a group of people placed together with a single purpose!
May it be an encouragement to all leaders out there: conflicts are okay but as a bystander or victim, it is an opportunity to display patience, grace and self-control. In Luke 10:2, Jesus told His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.' Strive to focus your work on the harvest, not just on the flaws of the workers because you can't fix all the problems in this world, right?


In your anger, do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry
-Eph 4:26


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