
To many people, establishing their empire or finding their perfect job makes them proud. These things give them joy and happiness, feelings of success...but to me, something else lights up my face. Here is my second pre-Valentine's Day blog that recognizes the awesome-ness of the people I love.
My siblings, not just the biological ones, but also my famjam. The four of them are just like the main characters of the Harry Potter series, each with a distinct personality and are growing right before my eyes. There are so many countless events that I see that make me super proud to be called their big sister...and I certainly cannot wait for more opportunities to see them blossom into young women and men of Him.

CHo: This baby shares the same initials as I do (if you haven't noticed)! He is the most similar to me, amongst all of them. Honestly, he makes me proud ALL the time. A few years ago, I forced my dad to take him to drumming class, not because I wanted him to look cool...but because I knew he had the talent to lead worship and help others praise the Lord through his gifts. And he has certainly done so...on the worship team right now, he gives me the jitters each time he is playing the cajun. This little man is super willing to learn, involved, and genuine. Both of us remind each other to be humble because we equally know that we suffer from a tiny ego. But to see how happy he is contributing to the church makes me jump to the moon and back.

MHo: My little little sis...She makes me proud because our casual conversations always remind me that she is continuously maturing. Her desire to continue to grow in faith, or to question things around her may seem a little naive, but it challenges me all the time. She is an evolving butterfly that I have faith will one day grow to become a butterfly of beautifully patterned wings, leading other little ones to fly towards the right direction.

SHo: Though we are currently not on the best terms, I hope she will truly understand that I love her so much and that she inspires me to be a better child educator all the time. She possesses a special gift that I certainly don't have. And that is the gift of patience and compassion towards toddlers and preschoolers. To see her in actions with the little ones on the weekends remind that the One above us is a God of patience despite our repeated stumbles and unwillingness to follow instructions!
This young woman is also a fantastic athlete. As a track star and softball player, her focus and determination make me extremely jealous (in a good way)...and I hope to possess the same will power in all the  things I do.

JHo: During a round of 'Never have I ever', this one asked the group if anyone has taken him seriously before....and honestly, I have. He makes me proud because of the growth I have seen over the past few years. When we were leading worship for the first time in Blue Mountain in 2014, we weren't experienced leaders and musicians...but a few months ago, the music crew was actually a team of people that knew how to perfect a worship set. Also, this little brother is a great counselor and bible study leader! However, what I admire most about him is his vocation to serve the Lord. The mission he has to be involved in as many ministries as possible AND to cater his programs towards his understanding of kids makes me incredibly happy

Choose for youselves this day who you will serve...bus as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. ~Joshua 24:15


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