
Showing posts from January, 2013

study & worship

     There are always people in the world that question about what it truly means to dedicated to God everyday 24/7. For many university or high school or even elementary students, studying takes up a really long time...but have you ever wondered how you can worship and study for God all at once. I'm not some pastor or some knowledgable person but this is what I believe.       I believe that it means that whatever I do, I do to my full potential because he has given me the strength to do so. He has created me with the ability to have an education, to be abilty to be in a school filled with happiness and joy. That doesn't really come naturally for many kids around the world. He has given me the chance to talk to others freely and be able to afford the clothes that I love. These simple things in life are so small that we might not even remember to thank God for them everyday.       With the ability to read or write and study at a school, we must do our best every single day bec

exam tip

hey, for all those out there that are going to have exams soon, i know the pressure is on to do your best and get a A+. There is often a misconception that I have regarding some of where my pressure comes from. Everyone tells me about the Asian parents stereotype but I can't strongly say that IT IS NOT true. For all those who is in the same train as me, I would just like to your best and that God will do the rest. The pressure that these test offer are always so heavily on your shoulder. But the reality is, it's coming from yourselves. If you believe if or not, it is one of the most interesting "donw-to-earth" facts I've gotten to understand! It's not wrong or right to have a sense of pressure when you walk into the exam room but just remember that once you enter that room, you need to simply apply ALL of what you've learned and work your butt off! There isn't a second chance, so for all the slackers out their, work while you have the time to


     Many people say things like "when someone else is happy, you would be happy too!" I always smiled and shock my head each time I hear it around...After yesterday's family gathering, I truly knew what that chessy phrase meant. Ever since a family funeral, we haven't seen each other in more than half a year, I was overly excited to reunite with a bunch of family members that I love. Seeing each other was happy, but that was not quite the happiness I will be talking about. We all walked around the place reminding ourselves of memories of the times when we would play with the black and white dog.      As we saw our toddler cousins, we started with some singing of the popular songs on the radio...from Justin Bieber to Taylor Swift, we were just singing it all! But all of a sudden, my cousin started to dance to the songs. At that time, I felt happiness and nothing else. We kept on replaying these upbeat songs hoping for more dancing. Even though I was dancing like the

in my plaid shirt days

Dedicated to two of my special friends... As I see you walking down the halls, I can't see anything, not even the walls. I stop to see the perfect view nothing in my mind could run through... except... the thought of my Romeo with his eyes so soft and his tender smile that will never come off as I hear his laugh, I can't help but giggle and my beaming red heart starts to tingle  but all of that stopped as I awake in a room... as I close my eyes...once again.... I see a picture of just us two... ~ch


       Now I understand what people mean when they say that it is "better to talk about your feelings". Because of the stress this week, I have been so over myself asking if I am accomplishing my standards. But there is one thing that I am absolutely sure of...and that is that I am not fulfilling the standard of God. After talking to my mom about the troubles that were building up like the rushing winds in the storm, I felt a sign of relief. This "feeling" has never ever happened to me before! It has only occured because God is in control of my life. Today, just like any other, I see that He is truly my Solid Rock. Without Him, I would still be frozen as stone. Without Him, I would be shaking inside.        From this entry, I just want to tell people that God is in control of everyone's lives. Whether it is at a peak or a downfall, He knows what is going on! For all those who don't know the message of God, please take the time to find out because He is abso