exam tip

hey, for all those out there that are going to have exams soon, i know the pressure is on to do your best and get a A+. There is often a misconception that I have regarding some of where my pressure comes from. Everyone tells me about the Asian parents stereotype but I can't strongly say that IT IS NOT true. For all those who is in the same train as me, I would just like to say...do your best and that God will do the rest.
The pressure that these test offer are always so heavily on your shoulder. But the reality is, it's coming from yourselves. If you believe if or not, it is one of the most interesting "donw-to-earth" facts I've gotten to understand! It's not wrong or right to have a sense of pressure when you walk into the exam room but just remember that once you enter that room, you need to simply apply ALL of what you've learned and work your butt off! There isn't a second chance, so for all the slackers out their, work while you have the time to!
My message is not for anyone in particular, but it is my way to offer my best tips to people that need it!

Cast all your anxiety on him because [God] cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7



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