study & worship

     There are always people in the world that question about what it truly means to dedicated to God everyday 24/7. For many university or high school or even elementary students, studying takes up a really long time...but have you ever wondered how you can worship and study for God all at once. I'm not some pastor or some knowledgable person but this is what I believe.
      I believe that it means that whatever I do, I do to my full potential because he has given me the strength to do so. He has created me with the ability to have an education, to be abilty to be in a school filled with happiness and joy. That doesn't really come naturally for many kids around the world. He has given me the chance to talk to others freely and be able to afford the clothes that I love. These simple things in life are so small that we might not even remember to thank God for them everyday.
      With the ability to read or write and study at a school, we must do our best every single day because it is the gift of God. I know and I understand the greatest temptation of procrastination. Each time that comes through my mind, I think to myself "God has made me more than just a procrastinator!" Since the creator of this entire universe has allowed us to study, let us do everything (including our studies) to our full potential to show God that we are using what He has given us to our limits.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful and I know that full well. Psalm 140:6



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