two truths, one lie
I've played the game 'two truths&one lie" many times before so...for those who read my blog, here are 3 facts about me, which one is the lie? I am insecure about the way I look I sometimes feel that I am alone because I don't have a so-called "boyfriend" I try different way to make myself feel more likeable. Well, the truth is, these are all true. I DO feel insecure about the way I look sometimes. I feel imperfect as a look at fashion magazines because my thighs are too big, I don't have abs....I feel that I am an imperfect girl, but the truth is, we are all imperfect. My sister always asks me the question, "Are you jealous?" The truth is, I AM jealous, she has a bunch of guy friends and I don't. I feel that I will be forever alone. I won't ever be able to find a guy that really cares about me [forever.] My sister is popular and I know that she is well-liked because she is athletic and knows how-to-talk. All these th...