
Showing posts from June, 2013

two truths, one lie

     I've played the game 'two truths&one lie" many times before so...for those who read my blog, here are 3 facts about me, which one is the lie? I am insecure about the way I look I sometimes feel that I am alone because I don't have a so-called "boyfriend" I try different way to make myself feel more likeable. Well, the truth is, these are all true. I DO feel insecure about the way I look sometimes. I feel imperfect as a look at fashion magazines because my thighs are too big, I don't have abs....I feel that I am an imperfect girl, but the truth is, we are all imperfect. My sister always asks me the question, "Are you jealous?" The truth is, I AM jealous, she has a bunch of guy friends and I don't. I feel that I will be forever alone. I won't ever be able to find a guy that really cares about me [forever.] My sister is popular and I know that she is well-liked because she is athletic and knows how-to-talk. All these th

friendship that lasts 4ever

       June-15 was the grad day for Chinese school. The class was filled with laughter, jokes but also blood, sweat and tears. For the past 10 years, I've learnt so much about being myself on stage, being confident [not over-confident] and setting goals. It's been 10 years from learning new Chinese vocabulary to mastering penmanship. But the unique part about this journey is that I was never alone, I had friends who encouraged me to never give up. Even thought it was hard to get up every morning, I can never imagine my life without it.         The number of people that I want to thank are countless, but in my blog, I want acknowledge a few. Ms. Shin, the women behind-the-scenes who never gave up on me.My mom, for your bolt of energy that you bring to give me motivation. Nathania C., for being a friend and motivating me to continue competing. And lastly, Ms. Yuen, that seamlessly taught me how to be competitive [there IS a right and wrong way]        Acumen Language School w


Since it is Father’s Day, I decided to write a blog about something that both my dad and I share. We both love to express our thoughts through our words. When I was in Grade7, I wrote my first official essay and it was on an turning point in my life. I worked my butt of that essay because it was about something that my dad taught me that changed my perspective of life. It was called ‘Behind the Sunset,’ a lesson that made sure I appreciated the many blessing that God has given to me each and every day.  My dad once told me to try my best capture my reflections and thoughts on a book. And that is exactly what I do. For anyone I comes by my blog, I encourage you to do the same... On the other hand, my dad recently wrote a thoughtful paragraph about my grandpa’s death, although it was in another language, it was heart-felt and full-of-love... Writing is something that my dad and I share in common, even though we are not really good at it, it is a utensil that can capture feel


it's been also 365 days ago that changed my mentality about something I thought that I would never experience. At least...not yet.Almost one year ago, three family members passed away. I remember one day telling my close cousin that I have never "experienced a death in my family before" and she told me about her tragic experience. That talk was memorable because I never NEVER would imagine that I would be in the same situation. That month happened too quickly for me to accept and understand. My grandaunt, granduncle and was like God has a big test for me, expect, I didn't know it was coming... All three of these individuals cared for my brother, sister and I. They spend a lot of time helping to build a better place for my parents to grow up in. If it were not for them, my parents wouldn't be standing here today, living in a society of freedom and justice. My parents are healthy, strong and educated because of these three unique individuals. I pay co