two truths, one lie

     I've played the game 'two truths&one lie" many times before so...for those who read my blog, here are 3 facts about me, which one is the lie?
  • I am insecure about the way I look
  • I sometimes feel that I am alone because I don't have a so-called "boyfriend"
  • I try different way to make myself feel more likeable.
Well, the truth is, these are all true. I DO feel insecure about the way I look sometimes. I feel imperfect as a look at fashion magazines because my thighs are too big, I don't have abs....I feel that I am an imperfect girl, but the truth is, we are all imperfect.

My sister always asks me the question, "Are you jealous?" The truth is, I AM jealous, she has a bunch of guy friends and I don't. I feel that I will be forever alone. I won't ever be able to find a guy that really cares about me [forever.] My sister is popular and I know that she is well-liked because she is athletic and knows how-to-talk. All these things are what guys want, she tells me all the time, "Oh, He has a crush on me..." And I ask myself, "Why doesn't anyone have a crush on me?" Why am I so unlikable by the opposite gender?

This question leads me to the last truth, when questions about my "likeable-ness" strikes me, I feel like I am a nerd that is stuck in front of my textbook everyday. By dressing, acting and BEING different, I strive to make myself slightly different in order to feel "liked" by those around me...

Last night, when I was reading a book called Totally God's By Megan Clinton, she identified most of these "truths" in my was brought to my attention that everything is God's plan...really, IT IS! He created me, He loves me, and He has created me with a desire to BE loved....

It is so simple in words, but in action, it feels so hard now that I'm living in a worldly-minded society...
My personal advice to trust God...and really trust Him.........


Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewellery and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God's sight.         1 Peter 3:3-4  


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