friendship that lasts 4ever

       June-15 was the grad day for Chinese school. The class was filled with laughter, jokes but also blood, sweat and tears. For the past 10 years, I've learnt so much about being myself on stage, being confident [not over-confident] and setting goals. It's been 10 years from learning new Chinese vocabulary to mastering penmanship. But the unique part about this journey is that I was never alone, I had friends who encouraged me to never give up. Even thought it was hard to get up every morning, I can never imagine my life without it. 
       The number of people that I want to thank are countless, but in my blog, I want acknowledge a few. Ms. Shin, the women behind-the-scenes who never gave up on me.My mom, for your bolt of energy that you bring to give me motivation. Nathania C., for being a friend and motivating me to continue competing. And lastly, Ms. Yuen, that seamlessly taught me how to be competitive [there IS a right and wrong way]
       Acumen Language School was a place where I made friendship that lasts 4ever. During the last day, a guy from my class wrote a message on the board for us because he had to leave early. It simply said "Later" and he signed his name. The message touched our hearts and it showed me that we have really become close as a class. I just want to say that we, Nathania, Patrick, Jessica, Russell, and Cynthia, left a really krazy legacy as the Acumen Language Chinese Class of 2013.
         To all of you, Good Luck in your future and shoot for the moon....I know that you will all have amazing lives ahead of you...                                 Love, Love, Love-ch



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