
Showing posts from 2022

lesson learned

During my mentorship wrap up session today, my mentee challenged me to celebrate my birthday by listing out 25 valuable lessons I have here they are: Inner beauty is so much more important than outer beauty. No bronzer, concealer and liquid foundation can cover up someone with poor character. Invest in improving your character-ask yourself how you can be a more loving, caring, humble and grateful individual. Don't be afraid of digging deeper and asking tough questions. I spent many years building friendships that were very much "surface level;" we never talked about the ways we were struggling and how we could support each other spiritually and mentally. Years went by and many of those friendships were lost and fizzled out. I wish I spent more time investing in some of these people's lives. Siblings are a precious gift from God. I am so thankful God gave me C and S. C's passion for the Word and musical worship inspires me to grow. S is always there t


     When I read my blog posts from the past, I often picture a strong, young girl who is overcoming obstacles and loving herself along the way. She is a blessed warrior who loves the church and loves the people around her. But today I have a confession. Yes, I am that strong young girl but there are also moments (in the past and in fact...right now) when I feel unloved, unworthy and simply not good enough. Although I know that God loves me to the point He sent His precious Son to die on the cross for my sins, there are still moments when I do not feel satisfied with just that kind of love. What I mean is...It is often frustrating being alone without a boyfriend- someone who loves me for the person I am becoming. As I walk in malls and on the streets, it sometimes feels lonely watching couples pass by. I guess in my fantastical world... I wish there was someone who would wrap their arms around me during a cold winter day, wait with me at a bus stop, listen to my silly thoughts, text me

to love (again): our beloved summer kdrama review

When lovers are bounded by fate and meet again, are they going to grasp onto this opportunity and choose to love again ? Or are some relationships meant to be for specific seasons of our lives? Choi Woo-shik and Kim Da-mi's drama "Our Beloved Summer" explores second chances through the characters of Choi-Woong and Kook Yeon-Soo. Known as the worse and best student back in their school days, the protagonists had filmed a documentary that lead to the beginning of a five year romantic relationship. As they reunite for a marketing project and documentary sequel, the talented still life illustrator and marketing expert are driven to revisit their past. Ultimately, the encounters lead them to re-realize how much they still deeply love each other. Though coming-of-age dramas are common, "Our Beloved Summer" taps into how life struggles and character flaws often hinder us from being the best version of ourselves to the people around us. Perhaps in the loneliness of life

looking back before running forward

     Tomorrow marks the last day of semester 1 with my fantastic grade 12 Fashion and Nutrition/Health class. In one week, I will have finished my first semester as an Ontario teacher. I haven't gotten a chance to document the process because it has just been so stressful and busy. As the Omicron cases have been rising, teachers (myself included) have been trying to keep our courses running while trying not to catch COVID. Although it is sometimes exciting to be riding this roller coaster, it comes with so much uncertainty and last minute changes. I have had to change my assessments twice and rearrange my lesson plans...but regardless, it has been such an amazing, blessed semester.      It all started on the day I was informed that I had gotten onto the TDSB supply list which was followed by a phone call from AI. The secretary had told me that she had a two-day supply teaching job that could possibly turn into an LTO. My confused self accepted not knowing that I was going to start