
Showing posts from 2012


When I learned what it meant to like someone, this is how I might feel.  i thought that he is nice, supportive, smart, sweet but I can't describe why I like him. I just do. Everytime I see him, he brightens up my day. and there is something about him that makes me think about him every day.  Each time during the gym, I support him by the bleachers, each time he plays his solos in band, I am listening with my tiny ears. Although he walks by me every single day, I wish one day, he will know that i loved him before... Some things in life were meant to be a mystery and this is one of them. He will remain as my Romeo and i will not be his Juliet. This world works that way and we must continue to run our life marathon and await...for the next person come around, as i watch it begin again...

something different

 I remember the first time at fellowship, when my grade was together, by ourselves. We were given the chance to share about "love" in our lives. We have always been separated with girls and boys but this gave us the chance to know each other better. Other than getting knowledge, it helped me as a believer to step out and "not be shy", it gave me the opportunity to see that everyone was just like me. All my brothers and sisters in Christ are all struggling with their faith at school. We were distracted by physical things, but nothing spiritual. I felt like a plant learning how to grow and realizes that around me, so many different plants are growing with me.  After that March, those stories stuck to me, just like a piece of gum, and it was everywhere. It reminded me that we need to grow, but together-in-Christ!  I really hope that this Christmas, we can get the same opportunity to see how much God has blessed each one of us this year... ~ch


Sonnets also know as "little songs" or love poems that express love. I wrote this sonnet in a blackout in my dining room. During the process, I struggled with organizing my thoughts and all the rhyming schemes but after a long hour, I produced my first sonnet. Although it may not be beautiful and perfect, it reflected my own thoughts from my world. This sonnet was dedicated to a  particular person...but I guess that...should remain as a mystery... I hope you enjoy my "little song..." My Love for Thee Shall I search for thee in the vast wheat field? I feel thy love from the distance oceans. My heart is here waiting for thee to heal- Not death, nor life, nor action, nor motion. By the mountains, I’ll wait for thy return, O, thy voice of great sweetness, I make out. Not ‘til that day, will I forever yearn. I am yours and thou art mine without doubt. The leaves rustle an unsounded warning. Winds of the north beam forth fires of light, By love


Although, this is only the second blog post i've written,i want to share a piece of  writing that i wrote last is an epilogue for a book that has never been written. This book is simply about furious five, a group of girls that are extremely talented and ambitious to chase after their dreams!               As high school steps in, these five girls take on separate dreams and roads to lead them to their own destination. Corliss, a visual major continues being the top of her class. With her story of family behind her back, you can see that she will later become one of the most accomplished women in history. The determination that she carries on with her allows her to blow everyone minds and allow them to understand what it means when “ what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”                 For Regan, a music major continues to carry her alter ego with her into high school. Without these security guards right beside, it is obvious that she continues to work her wa


I am excited to release my first blog. After a class about social media, I found that I should start writing a blog. i could technically write about anything, right? whether it is sad, happy, or shocking, you can simply press, NEW POST and can write...        Although it is a pain to write anything, I find that it is the perfect way to express your thoughts. It only requires a pen and a piece of paper. No one can judge you for what you are writing...My teacher once gave us advice about writing and this is what she said. "All of you girls should start writing a journal, you don't have to write everyday, it could be once a week, or once a month." This teacher taught me that writing wasn't strictly based assignment and things like that. It was a form of expression.         Expression is an interesting word because everyone sees it differently. Some express themselves through music, dance, art, drama, writing, or talking. I guess I am one of those