
Although, this is only the second blog post i've written,i want to share a piece of  writing that i wrote last year...it is an epilogue for a book that has never been written. This book is simply about furious five, a group of girls that are extremely talented and ambitious to chase after their dreams!

              As high school steps in, these five girls take on separate dreams and roads to lead them to their own destination. Corliss, a visual major continues being the top of her class. With her story of family behind her back, you can see that she will later become one of the most accomplished women in history. The determination that she carries on with her allows her to blow everyone minds and allow them to understand what it means when “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

                For Regan, a music major continues to carry her alter ego with her into high school. Without these security guards right beside, it is obvious that she continues to work her way up in life. About her music life, well, it is be nothing but below perfection. This natural talent playing the saxophone has become an inspiration to many younger beginning players. She will definitely be successful in being the leader of the clan, everyone just knows it.

                For Sandra, she has stopped the life of perfectionism and began understand how to enjoy life. As usual, that “freaky” personality will never die off; she will always remain as the crazy girl studying for her history test memorizing the textbook word for word, second for second. Her journey in junior high was a blast full of academic and jokes. Chill…..B+

                For Jenny, the academic major, well, she has certainly taken the route that everyone expected Sandra, Regan and Corliss should have taken. With a new environment, new friends, she is growing, well, taller and maturing quite a bit. This future lawyer will certainly be a pleasure to meet in the future. The girl who was once the teacher’s private secretary has finally taken its first step to being something so much bigger.

                Well, with the addition of Sylvia, this has become the furious five. Although we are all over this town searching for our future, we started out at the same checkpoint. This being our Grade 8 year where we wrestled through laughter, troubles, perfection and certainly grades. Friendship is a two way street. And without each of the five, we wouldn’t be the person we are today.


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