
       I remembered the first performance I had in Grade 8 for my elementary school band, I was so nervous and my hand was sweating like a dog on a summer day. I wasn't sure if I was playing the notes correctly! That performance went well...following that, I did auditions, and participated in many different bands, it was amazing to see the improvement I had on my instrument!
       Over time, I no longer got sweaty hands and "stage fright" symptoms, but yesterday, in my last Markham Theater performance, I felt that same feeling again. Yesterday was the last time I performed for my school, it was amazing to think, several years ago, I was a girl that was attempting to blow a note out of that black/white instrument. It was a pretty crazy performance, beautiful trumpet solo, in-tune notes, "special musical moments." I couldn't have asked for more...

      By blowing through the clarinet, I have learnt that:

  •  I must have confidence in myself
  • Always Try
  • Nothing is impossible
  • Listen
  • Blend
  • There is ALWAYS someone better than you
  • Second Clarinet doesn't mean you suck :)
  • Every instrument is important
  • Believe...


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