
Showing posts from 2015

here's to the future

     Impatience, a disease that I have struggled with ever since pre-school. I vividly remember eagerly awaiting for my lunch back in my Danforth Kindergarten days. Over the past few years, my sisters-in-Christ and I have become extremely close as we shared our concerns/vision for a newly formed ministry at our church that was established back when I was in Grade 7. As passionate teenagers, I remember being so excited, passionate and energized to establish a church that loved served together and growing as Christians. After a year or two of fun times, get togethers and sleepovers, we began to realize that an issue began to arise, God was often not included in our picture.       The three of us began to talk to counselors, the youth worker and BASICs in search for a spark to ignite a ministry that was centered in God. For years at ski retreats, talks after service, late night rants at church…we found that our actions were getting nowhere. As we grew older and involved in other parts

music to my ears

Because I ride the bus everyday to school now, music has definitely become an important aspect of my are some songs that I have been listening to, as a tackle my first difficult year in university. 1) Give Me Faith- Elevation Worship This was the first song I listened to on my first day of school. Having been introduced this tune by a counsellor for our fellowship retreat, she told that me that listening to it made her tear up...and it has certainly impacted my life. The lines 'I may be weak, but your Spirit's strong in me, my flesh may fail, but my God you never will.' That describes the motivation that I need to continually inject into my body. This song has definitely reminded me time and time again that no matter how crappy I am, the grace of God conquers all. 2) I Will Follow- Chris Tomlin A classic song that my church sings every single month...but it was during a Joint Missions Conference that I prompted me to understand the words that Chris wr

why i dont...

     As a outspoken Christian, I often find myself in situations where I am explaining and learning about why I don't do certain things....ordinary Canadians or human beings would do. One in particular is why I do not celebrate Halloween.      Like most celebrations, over the years, this day has become a commercial success. People cannot resist but buy costumes, decorations, goodies and candies to keep up with the festive traditions. This year, as a first year in university, nobody really dressed up...but you could certainly tell that there were quite a few parties going on around campus. After reading some blog posts and looking at some information this year, my views about this day began to change. In other words, my heart began to soften because I didn't really see this celebration as something that was...necessarily wrong...Even though it is not Christian-oriented, I should get into the festivities just like how I celebrate St. Patrick's, Valentine's Day and even B

the big blue bus

the bus. A mode of transportation that I used to see but never sit in. Being from Markham, Unionville, I was an oblivious child who was fortunate enough to have my parents drive me around to places I would want to go and visit. There was never an urge to step into these mysterious blue vehicles that were known to me as 'pricey' and 'foreign'. Stepping into this new stage of life, my parent were unable to drive me to school every day...and marked the beginning of my new discovery in what happens inside these loud steaming viva buses. In this place, people come, people go. They listen to music, some rap, others classical. Having their own destinations in mind, the bus seems to be a temporarily stop to an ever-changing world of jobs and opportunities that lies in commercial building and these social institutions. I have discovered that it is a place of rest and communication. Every now and then, there will be the one individual, that speaks loudly in another language tal


This summer has been an exciting roller coaster, one filled with laughter, love, adventure and growth. Volunteering at numerous summer camps have given me an opportunity to learn how to deal with individuals with various characteristics and backgrounds. But most certainly, I was granted with a lifetime privilege to work alongside my brother and sister for four whole weeks. As the summer dies down and the autumn winds begin to blow, signs of school and stress begin to linger around in malls and amongst my conversations with friends. The countdown begins and as the CNE closes its door, I seem to be enjoying my time in silence, contemplation and quiet conversations. When Oprah interviewed Nelson Mandela, he said that 27 years in prison gave him the opportunity to think . That really spoke to me because this week felt like my personal time of 'reflection'. Instead of running around the church taking care of kids, I got to think about my commitment on leadership teams, see what God


As individuals who are fundamentally sinful and imperfect, I have come to realize that conflicts and arguments that occur within teams/co-workers aren't always preventable. In fact, in a typical family, conflict always occurs. I mean, who has ever seen a family where two brothers don't yell or boss each other around? In today's society, where we are often incredibly foolish and self-centered, fights have become a form of communication. The same goes for a leadership team or group. I strongly believe that it is through these tough conversations that we learn more about our own flaws and the importance of listening. Coming from experience, serving in many teams before, I have been confronted through long (and maybe loud) conversations that YOUR way may not always be the fastest, easiest and best route. And remember, at the end of the day, no matter how heated the argument may have been, you guys are still a family, a group of people placed together with a single purpose! May