
Showing posts from 2016


(written Nov. 9) Yesterday, I was supposed to be concentrating and studying for a psychology test, but somehow I was really drawn to watching the results of the 2016 US federal elections. Perhaps, it was a historical event that I had to witness as a citizen on the other side of the border. As I saw the map of USA light up in red/blue, I began to experience a sense of fear that Americans may have chosen the wrong commander-in-chief. Before going to bed, it was hard logging off of facebook seeing Obama’s message, friends’ frantic posts and newly published newspaper articles. However, something settled me down…and that was the peace brought upon me knowing that God is in control of this entire situation. He was there right from the beginning and He has a good plan for us. God knew who will win the election from the beginning and He will use His power to follow through with His unique plan. Remember…He is the ultimate One in authority. As Canadian Christians, we can’t do much…but to

when church becomes family

                I don’t know if you could relate, but do you remember those days in elementary school when you and your friends created these complex family trees during recess? I recall I had 3 sisters, 2 aunts and 2 uncles…and a few other cousins too. And for days we would refer to one another by our ‘family name’. Although these identities only lasted for a few weeks, it provided us with such entertainment and happiness…perhaps it was the concept of being so close knit that intrigued us. Because in a true close knit family, one is willing to cry, willing to share, willing to confront and most importantly, willing to love. Although most of my fake elementary school families have dissolved, one particular family seems to hold true and steadfast…until this day. For years, I saw these individuals simply as my Sunday church friends, but several days ago, I sensed that we are more than that…we are family.                 Let’s start the story off with saying…we all make mistakes and so

words into motion

Many people think writing is boring…and to be honest, it is not the most fascinating field of study, but I think we should all come to terms to appreciate the beauty and importance of words. We should be reminded that the ability to read, write and learn language is something extremely special to us (human beings). What other species on earth has the ability to translate statements and communicate through multiple sets of symbols? And why is that? Well, it’s fundamentally because we are created in the image of God. We were made a God who speaks and knows that in order for human beings to rule over the animals/earth, they had to communicate in words. From what we knew, we could express our feelings, exclaim our creative ideas and transmit stories from generation to the next. In fact, the concept of words has been a game-changer in this universe. Remember how God spoke the world into motion? He said “Let there be light” and there was light. God didn’t think about light and there wa

something beautiful

      A lot of the time, Christians say "Everything happens for a reason, God placed you in that situation so that you can grow," but we rarely dwell on what that really means or acknowledge whether or not that's true. For months, I had two friends who went through a rough patch in their friendship as boy trouble infested their lives. Let's just was difficult for them to look each other in the eye knowing that they liked the same guy. They went through periods of hate, attempts of restoration, sadness, but ultimately confusion. The roller coaster was rough, but I saw that the result of this experience as something God-planned, something beautiful. Last night, I saw these two ladies not just as ordinary friends but two individuals who've learned to rely on their faith as their primary source of comfort. They sought for restoration because their friendship no longer depended on their relationship with this one guy. Today, these girls are serving, growing an

the real deal

       What is "the real deal" in life? Is it that perfect high-paying job or a good well-bonded family? As a 19-year old, many of my friends strive for that perfect resume. That perfect resume includes good professional references and versatile volunteer experiences, which showcases one's ability to be the ideal employee. The truth is, many young adults today are boiling their life down to one single sheet of paper, but is that where our focus should be?     As I was reflecting with my close friend this past week, I opened up about my fears in building that resume...only to find that there is a much bigger resume that we must hand Him, the real Boss. Here's my story...I have a younger cousin who aspires to be a teacher, just like me. She applied to Con-Ed at Queen's and York, just like me. She has a big heart to be educate the next generation, just like me. The biggest difference we have between us is the fact that she got into all the universities that

the beauty of singleness

I was talking with my friend today and we were sharing about how teenage girls today seem to forget about the beauty of singleness. Young girls often mourn and speak about their dissatisfaction because they are not loved and invested in a romantic relationship. Even though this is an issue that I have written about in previous blog posts, I hope to expand and spread positive energy to young women because I really think that there is so much more to life than being unsatisfied about God’s plan. Just so that you understand where I come from… I am not in a relationship at the moment, so I confess that sometimes, I simultaneously covet being loved by a Prince Charming. From looking at people’s prom pictures, date night Instagram posts to any sort of cute facebook interactions, I can’t help but wonder when it is going to be my turn to display that joy/happiness that comes from finding a significant other. I am often left wondering if something is possibly wrong about me…what makes me unl

my warrior

Despite the fact that the weather has been amazing over the past few days, my heart is hurting over something that I know I can’t control of. Here’s why: Several years ago, a family friend named Aleena was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. Statistically, the chance of survival for her illness were very slim. However, the church and her family prayed endlessly…praying for His touch, God’s miracle. I remember the first time I heard her story, she told us that she was never scared of death because she knew that all her sufferings would end one day when she returns to heaven. After rounds of intense chemotherapy, God gave her strength and positivity like none other. Just like any other mom, she recovered and went to go back to work. She could do what we would consider ‘normal.’ She drove her daughter to swimming practices and high school. A few years ago, she even served with me at a children’s fellowship. I was her assistant and she certainly became someone that I looked up to. Talk


I have always thought that when people pass away, their family spend months after their death grieving over their lost family member and will continue to live with that "hollow space" in your heart. However, this first night in Hong Kong has surprisingly given me a chance to grieve about something that seemed to have passed so long ago. I am talking about the death of my grandfather, a hardworking and committed man, who raised up my mom and her six siblings. Because I have only seen him for several weeks every now and then, many would say that our relationship wouldn't be extremely close. In fact, we rarely had to the chance to sit down or have a serious conversation. However, coming back to HK in 2016, a few years after his passing, I have suddenly noticed the hollow space that he once occupied in my life. Last night, amidst my jet lag, I remembered that morning 7 years ago, when all the Ho siblings were jetlagged at 4:30am. He came out of his bedroom sincerely asking i

comfortable in your own skin

                I think as a Canadian girl, I feel perfectly normal in admitting the great influence of media in my life. I often stare at Glamour and Vogue Magazine, questioning why I do not look like the supermodels that are plastered over the pages. They all have flawless makeup, body types and skin. For the longest time, I felt like a flawed being who fell short from what people considered as beautiful. Ever since my grade 11 days, I have been struggling with oily and acne skin issues. At first, my family and I thought it was just a short phase of red bumps that I would quickly outgrow. However, after months of adjusting my diet and trying new skin products, nothing seemed to work. Seeing the doctor was the next option and I began taking medication. This first around, I lost self-esteem and confidence…I covered myself in foundation and avoided eye contact during conversations. I feared that people would not like talking to me because they would have to face such a disgusting beast

falling in love

On the first day of school at York University, during orientation day, I realized that I had a major flaw. My major flaw was that in comparison to the other English majors there, I did not love my program of study. In this university, people L-O-V-E English… for pleasure they read large novels, write poetry and short stories. As they shared with me their interests, fear crept into my mind because I felt that I did not belong. My stomach ached and I felt trapped because of the inner conflict between my limited love for English and strong belief that God wants me in this program. So, I decided that I would pray a bold prayer to my Papa above. I prayed that ‘one day, I will fall in love with English, just like the rest of these folks and be able to use this skill to further His kingdom.’ At this point, I still had to conquer 24 weeks of lectures and tutorials with English fanatics. Surely, it was a gradual process that began with fear and tears, as I realized the great skills and knowl


As a grade 8 student, I would often use the word ‘indescribable’ in my essays. My friends who edit my essay would always circle the word, and write in pen: “It’s English class, you need to describe the indescribable to me!” And back home, I would need to find better word choices for my narratives, short stories and essays…but this Easter, I don’t need to change my wording because what Jesus did on the cross centuries ago is truly indescribable! How can one fathom the love of someone that could sacrifice their live as a ransom for many? How much love does it take to offer the gift of eternal life to those who crucified Him? How can someone so innocent allow himself to be used as a sacrifice for humanity? That is indescribable love. Tomlin describes it as love running red…and yes, this agape love overflows to the point that we owe every being to him. The reflection on His work on the cross challenges me to be more aware and thankful for something that Christians often take for granted

why here

It is five weeks until the end of my first year at York University! These next few weeks will be stressful, tough and stacked with endless agenda items….but I hope that during my down time, I will be able to take some time to reflect about the unique things that have happened this past school year. As many of my close friends and family know, I didn’t make it into Queen’s University, my forever favourite post-secondary institution. After nights of crying, countless conversations with friends and yearning for a possibly to go to Kingston, I settled with going to York University, to pursue my Bachelor of Arts degree. Though I was at peace with God’s decision, every now and then, certain things triggered me into questioning God. I would ask Him, “why here?” To be honest, it took a very long time to 100% (fully) grasp the reasons why He wanted me to stay in Toronto. In the summer, my sister encouraged a sister-in-Christ to write down question you had for God, and see how He would come


     Known as a confident young woman, it is not always easy to share your struggles with those around other, but today, I feel compelled to write about something that just seems to never leave my mind. For the female readers out there, this might just be the perfect blog post for you. I struggle with being content as a single girl, who has simply never dated before.      Though as Christians, I am always encouraged to be happy with the life I am living and to count my blessings around me, I would like to be the first to admit that it’s more difficult than one may think. To be honest, there are days where I dream of going on movie dates, receiving roses, taking cute Instagram posts or being #couplegoals. Some days, it’s like stepping on pins and that tiny pain strikes me as a stroll down the hallway. The feelings of incompleteness or not worthy of being loved is just like a dark cloud on what was supposedly a sunny day. A lot of the time, I simultaneously ask myself, “what do I have


To many people, establishing their empire or finding their perfect job makes them proud. These things give them joy and happiness, feelings of success...but to me, something else lights up my face. Here is my second pre-Valentine's Day blog that recognizes the awesome-ness of the people I love. My siblings, not just the biological ones, but also my famjam. The four of them are just like the main characters of the Harry Potter series, each with a distinct personality and are growing right before my eyes. There are so many countless events that I see that make me super proud to be called their big sister...and I certainly cannot wait for more opportunities to see them blossom into young women and men of Him. CHo: This baby shares the same initials as I do (if you haven't noticed)! He is the most similar to me, amongst all of them. Honestly, he makes me proud ALL the time. A few years ago, I forced my dad to take him to drumming class, not because I wanted him to look cool..

my hero

In those cliché English classes, teachers always make their students write about their hero. I’ve never gotten a chance to write one as a kid, but as Valentine’s Day draws near, I would love to take some time to reflect and admire the love my hero has expressed to me over the past 18 years of my life. My hero is my grandmother, also a sister-in-Christ. I was the only grandchild she personally took care of, and the only one that shares a unique, but yet intimate connection with. To an outsider, she is generous, strict and confident, but to me, she is a prayer warrior. As an uneducated immigrant from China, she co-owned a tailor shop with my grandfather. She has never been to school and does not how to speak eloquently. But she is my bright star because of her love of talking to the Lord. Thanksgiving, Confession, Adoration or Supplication…she is my role model because she remembers Him every single day. Every week, my grandmother tells me her long prayer list, with things such as our